740 San Mateo Blvd., NE - Albuquerque, NM 87108 - 505.888.9573
Tuesday - October 22nd, 2024
The TeamWeb Development Process

We have designed our process to make the conception, planning, design and execution of your site as efficient a process as possible. By thoroughly and clearly defining your needs, goals and scope of the project, we can facilitate an efficient site development process that saves all of us time, and thus saves you money, in the long run.

1. Initial Consultation

Your first step is to schedule an initial meeting with us to review your needs and goals for the site. This one-hour consultation is free of charge. To request an appointment, please fill out our online Site Planning Survey. After we receive your survey, we'll contact you to schedule your initial consultation.

2. Site Specifications and Agreement

After the initial consultation, we will schedule a Design Meeting with you to further refine your specifications for the site. We will prepare a Proposal based on the information we gather from you during this meeting.

Upon your signed approval of the Proposal, we will draft a Site Development Contract. You will review the contract, suggest any changes or additions, and upon your signing of the contract and payment of a retainer in the amount of 50% of the estimated total site development costs, we will begin work on your site.

(Please note that you must have a registered domain name before we can begin work on your site.)

3. Domain Registration and Site Hosting

If you have not already done so, you will need to register a unique domain name (mycompany.com) for your business. There are several domain name registrars that we can recommend to you.

You will also need to set up web hosting for your site; we can help you choose hosting services to meet your requirements. If you choose a VersaSite package, we'll set up your hosting service through our preferred hosting provider, Lobo Internet Services (to meet our specific technical hosting requirements.)

4. Design and Development

We will work closely with you throughout the development process to ensure that the site reflects your needs and goals. You will supply us with all necessary text content and graphic/photographic materials for the site. These should be in digital form; additional charges will apply if you need us to scan images. For sites, all text and graphics content must be in digital form.

For custom site projects, when the 50 percent retainer fee has been fully applied to the project, we will bill you every two weeks as development work continues. For packages, we will bill the remaining 50 percent of the project's cost upon completion. Payment will be due upon your receipt of the invoice. We will provide you with a detailed log of work completed on the project, included on your invoices.

5. Site Deployment, Testing and Launch

Upon your approval of the completed site design, we require the Balance of the site development costs to be paid in full.

We will then post your site to your web server, test all links, and make sure that all site components function as they should. Then you can announce the launch of your new site!

Request an appointment for a free one-hour consultation.

Tour our gallery , see what we can do for you!